### View Click Instead of the verbose `setOnClickListener`: ```java RxView.clicks(submitButton).subscribe(o -> log("submit button clicked!")); ``` ### Filter even numbers ```java Observable .just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) .filter(integer -> integer % 2 == 0) .subscribe(System.out::println); // => 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 ``` ### Iterating with "forEach" ```java Observable .just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) .forEach(System.out::println); // => 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ``` ### Group by ```java Observable .just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) .groupBy(integer -> integer % 2 == 0).subscribe(grouped -> { grouped.toList().subscribe(integers -> { log(integers + " (Even: " + grouped.getKey() + ")"); }); }); // [1, 3, 5] (Even: false) // [2, 4] (Even: true) ``` ### Take only the first N values emitted ```java Observable .just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) .take(2) .subscribe(System.out::println); // => 1, 2 ``` ### First ```java Observable .just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) .first() .subscribe(System.out::println); // => 1 ``` ### Last ```java Observable .just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) .last() .subscribe(System.out::println); // => 5 ``` ### Distinct ```java Observable .just(1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 2) .distinct() .subscribe(System.out::println); // => 1, 2, 3, 4 ``` ### Map() Does not have to emit items of the same type as the source `Observable` ```java Observable.just("Hello world!") .map(s -> s.hashCode()) .subscribe(i -> log(Integer.toString(i))); // => 121287312 ``` Another `map()` can convert it back to `String` ```java Observable.just("Hello world!") .map(s -> s.hashCode()) .map(i -> reverseHashCode(i)) .subscribe(str -> log(str)); // => Hello world! ``` ### Iterate an array list ```java List<User> users = ArrayList<>(); users.add(new User("jon snow")); users.add(new User("tyrion lannister")); Observable .just(users) .concatMap(userList -> Observable.from(userList)) .subscribe(user -> log(; // concatMap: when applied to an item emitted by the source Observable, returns an Observable // => "jon snow", "tyrion lannister" ``` ### Observe text changes on an EditText (RxBinding) ```java RxTextView.textChangeEvents(editText) .subscribe(e -> log(e.text().toString())); // => "s" // => "se" // => "sea" // => "sear" // => "searc" // => "search" ``` ### Filter text changes on an EditText (RxBinding) ```java RxTextView.textChangeEvents(editText) .filter(e -> e.text.length() >= 3) .subscribe(e -> log(e.text().toString())); // => "sea" // => "sear" // => "searc" // => "search" ``` ### Login form (RxBinding) The submit button only gets enabled if username and password have a length>=3 ```java emailChangeObservable = RxTextView.textChangeEvents(email); passwordChangeObservable = RxTextView.textChangeEvents(password); // force-disable the button submitButton.setEnabled(false); Observable.combineLatest(emailChangeObservable, passwordChangeObservable, (emailObservable, passwordObservable) -> { boolean emailCheck = emailObservable.text().length() >= 3; boolean passwordCheck = passwordObservable.text().length() >= 3; return emailCheck && passwordCheck; }).subscribe(aBoolean -> { submitButton.setEnabled(aBoolean); }); // submit button will only be clickable if both forms have more than 3 characters each ``` ### Thread safety (RxJava + RxAndroid + Retrolambda) ```java Observable .just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) .flatMap(this::heavyCalculations) // all the computation will happen in a background thread .subscribeOn(Schedulers.computation()) // the result subscription will happen in the UI Thread .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) // do the calculations for each item and returns it to the subscribable observer .subscribe(number -> log(number)); ``` ### Persist data async to the database (RxJava + RxAndroid + Retrolambda) ```java Observable .just(arrayOfUsers) .concatMap(users1 -> Observable.from(users1)) .doOnNext(user -> saveToDataBase(user)) .subscribeOn( .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .subscribe(); // => saves all the users, one by one in the database, async ``` ### Pro-tip Don't know in which thread your code is being executed? Print this method: > Thread.currentThread().getName() and you'll find out. ### Note All `subscribe()`s return a `Subscription` object that should be released with a `subscription.unsubscribe()` in the activity/fragment lifecycle to prevent memory leaks. ... or if you're lazy like me take a look here, the guys [@trello]( have created a library that provides automatic unsubscriptions to this kind of events.
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